- 「フォーラムガイドライン」に必ず目を通してください。
- バージョンアップデート後に表示がおかしくなった場合は、
「SWELL設定」>「リセット」からキャッシュクリアを先にお試しください。 - フォーラム内検索で過去に同じようなトピックがないか検索してみてください。
こんにちは、私はちょうどあなたのテーマを購入し、英語と中国語にGutenbergブロックを翻訳する方法を知っていただきたいと思います、ありがとうございました。 (Loco translateで翻訳に失敗しました。)
Loco translate
You could use translation plugins like WPML, TranslatePress for contents. SWELL theme itself may not be fully translatable, but perhaps you could translate some strings with Loco Translate.
I just tried to use .po file to convert to json file through wp-cli, but the part of gutenberg block was not translated successfully, could you give me more tips?
I used the wp-cli command: wp i18n make-json po-filename.po --allow-root
but the part of gutenberg block was not translated successfully,
Could you attach a screenshot mentioning which block and which part you are exactly referring to?
@skillsharejp This is the part I want to translate.
And I also found that when I use the command, 103 JSON files are generated, but I see that there is only one JSON file in the English translation. I don't know why this is happening.
Sorry, I have never used Loco Translate and I am not sure about the cause either.
I am not loading the translation files for the scripts for each block, only for 'swell_blocks' (/build/blocks/index.js).
This means that `wp_set_script_translations()` only needs to be done once.
Did you also check this stackoverflow answer?
Hi @jason6666h,
Translation of Gutenberg blocks (JavaScript translation) is a mechanism introduced in WordPress 5.0. Therefore, translation will often be difficult with translation plugins. I also tried to translate using Loco Translate, but it did not work.
If you can run the npm command on your computer, the following method would be easiest. This is an example of generating a translation file in traditional Chinese.
- Open the directory where you installed WordPress and go to `wp-content/themes/swell/languages`.
- Copy `en_US.po` and create `zh_CN.po`.
- Use this file for translation; you may want to use a tool such as Poedit.
- Open a terminal and move to the `languages` directory.
`cd /path/to/wp-content/themes/swell/languages` - Generate a JSON translation file for Gutenberg. Use npx and execute the following command:
`npx po2json@1.0.0-beta-3 zh_CN.po swell-zh_CN-swell_blocks.json -f jed ` - `swell-zh_CN-swell_blocks.json` file will be generated in the languages directory.
- Change the site language to Traditional Chinese and confirm that the translation has been applied to the SWELL blocks.
こんにちは、私はちょうどあなたのテーマを購入し、英語と中国語にGutenbergブロックを翻訳する方法を知っていただきたいと思います、ありがとうございました。 (Loco translateで翻訳に失敗しました。)
Hi~ Did you successfully translate Japanese into Chinese later? Because I am currently encountering the same problem, and my Google adsense keeps showing that Adx.txt cannot be found.
Website: in7daily.com