- 「フォーラムガイドライン」に必ず目を通してください。
- バージョンアップデート後に表示がおかしくなった場合は、
「SWELL設定」>「リセット」からキャッシュクリアを先にお試しください。 - フォーラム内検索で過去に同じようなトピックがないか検索してみてください。
Last seen: 11月 30, 2023
I previously attempted to create a webpage layout similar to Swell using Greenshift with Swell theme, but encountered two issues: Tab and Blog styles ...
Can I ask another question here? I've noticed a conflict between Greenshift's CSS styles and Swell theme. Is there a way to bypass Swell's styles whil...
Thanks. I just found that SwiftPerformance AI caused this problem.
@skillsharejp Initially, I manually uploaded the ad.txt file. After I disabled the adguard, I deleted the ad.txt file and then edited the ad.txt th...
@skillsharejp Thanks for the tip, I found that Adguard was causing this problem, so I turned off the Adguard to get it to work properly.
@skillsharejp I have checked the relevant security settings and changed the server configuration, change to another server , but I am still experien...
@skillsharejp There is no error in the debug log.
I am currently using the built-in Gutenberg Block removal and Add to Reusable Blocks feature as an alternative and for reference.
Thank you for getting back to me. I have been using the Greenshift Carousel Block, which supports Gutenberg, in addition to the Swell theme's Gutenb...
@skillsharejp This is the part I want to translate. And I also found that when I use the command, 103 JSON files are generated, but I see that th...
I just tried to use .po file to convert to json file through wp-cli, but the part of gutenberg block was not translated successfully, could you give m...